Ultra-violet (UV) rays are deadly, so sun safety is vital in Queensland where the UV Index is three or above all year round. Outdoor workers must be supplied with sun protective clothing including a hat, sunscreen and sunglasses. You can also look at the possibility of rotating tasks that are in the sun, reorganising work schedules or providing a portable shade structure if the temperatures soar.

Develop sun safety protocols as part of your safety management system. With SafeWorkpro , the safety managers gets to know the exact location of where there workers perform the risk assess The sun safety section of the Cancer Council Queensland QUEST program has free resources to assist you to create a workplace that promotes sun safety.

Education programs such as Danger Sun Overhead, run through Melanoma Patients Australia, inform workers on the health impacts, prevention and early detection of skin cancer—including the deadliest type, melanoma. This program can be delivered at your workplace.

Taking adequate breaks and keeping hydrated is important to prevent fatigue, heat exhaustion, heat stroke and cramping.The heat stress tool by Queensland Government can be used to predict if heat-induced illness is likely.


With SafeWorkPro “Geolocation” tool you track of where your workers/employees are and provide them some handy tips if the weather seem bit extreme.  All employers have a duty of care to assess health risks at work. We know that over 80% of cases, skin cancer is caused by over exposure to UV, it is thus largely preventable! Education on the prevention and early detection of the disease is therefore paramount and really needs to be on everyone’s agenda. It’s not too late to make a New Year’s resolution that you, your family and your workers will get into sun and heat safe habits.


1.     SLIP on a t-shirt

2.     SLOP on SPF 30+ broad spectrum UVA sunscreen

3.     SLAP on a broad brimmed hat

4.     SLIDE on quality sunglasses

5.     SHADE from the sun whenever possible

So get up and get going towards heat and sun safety this summer season.

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