Compliance Risk Assessment Matrix

When it comes down to it, the risk assessment matrix is just part of the broader risk assessment process that aims to make your workplace compliant with OHS legislation Australia. So to say there is a Workcover Risk Assessment Matrix would be inaccurate.

But health risks at work are a common part of any job and ensuring the health and safety risk assessment matrix is both properly completed and totally understood is a fundamental part of remaining compliant. To explain risk assessment properly we must also explain the compliance risk assessment matrix.

A matrix in this context works as a risk assessment scale of sorts. It gives the likelihood of a risk occurring and the severity of that risk’s consequence a numerical value. These two numbers are multiplied and the total number equates to level of risk a job is likely to involve (see table below). It is a flawed risk assessment method because it cannot deal with every possible scenario and its categorisations are ambiguous at best. Nonetheless the risk assessment matrix remains the main way to discern risk in a numerical form across Australia.

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